Learn how to connect Shopify as your seed marketplace
In this guide, we'll outline the steps to connect Shopify as a seed marketplace.
Go to your SKUPREME account and click Catalog - Settings.
Select the Shopify US region from the dropdown menu.
Input your Shopify domain name in the format of "yourshopifyhandle.myshopify.com".
Click "submit" to initiate the integration process.
You will be redirected to Shopify to authenticate your account.
Once you have accepted access, you will be redirected back to SKUPREME and see that the Shopify button has moved up in the sidebar, indicating a successful integration.
Allow a few moments for the integration process to complete and for your Shopify items to be connected to your SKUPREME account.
Refresh the page to check if the items have been synced properly.
To learn more about how to connect Shopify as your seed marketplace, watch this video 👇
Please take a look at our related Shopify article: Best Practices for Managing SKUs and Variations on Shopify.
If you'd like to know more, chat with us on Messenger 💬