Best Practices for Managing SKUs and Variations on Shopify

Follow these best practices to prevent SKU duplication, ensure smooth variation setup, and maintain seamless syncing with Shopify.

When managing SKUs and product variations on Shopify, follow these best practices to ensure smooth syncing and avoid conflicts:

1. Avoid Duplicating SKUs

  • Always check for existing SKUs before creating new ones.
  • Do not manually create new variations or duplicate products if the existing ones are still active.

2. Proper Setup of Variations

  • If a parent SKU (e.g., TOYMAX) is being updated to include variations (e.g., TOYMAXW, TOYMAXG):
    • Ensure the original items are deleted or updated directly on Shopify before adding new variations.
  • Variations should inherit the same UPC and relevant data as the original SKU, avoiding conflicts.

3. Sync Considerations

  • If reconstructing the catalog or making major updates, turn off item sync temporarily in SKUPREME to prevent conflicts.
  • Once updates are complete, ensure SKUPREME is linked to the updated items.

4. Deletion of Old Items

  • Before creating new variations or restructuring a product catalog:
    • Identify and delete outdated items that no longer align with the updated catalog structure.
    • Confirm with the team or system administrator before deleting items to ensure accuracy.

5. Communicating Changes

  • Document changes made to SKUs or product variations.
  • Inform relevant stakeholders (e.g., SKUPREME support team) about updates to avoid redundant work or conflicts.

6. Follow Shopify-Specific Guidelines

  • Adhere to Shopify's documentation and best practices for creating and managing products.
  • Use Shopify's features for variations, rather than creating separate SKUs unless absolutely necessary.

By adhering to these best practices, teams can avoid duplication, reduce conflicts, and maintain a clean, efficient product catalog on Shopify.