Catalog: Navigating catalog

Learn about how to access and navigate catalog or manage product information

Accessing the Catalog

In this article, we'll discuss with you the catalog and navigate through its different tabs. The catalog list is an important feature that allows you to manage your product information efficiently. 


📇Catalog list

a. Click on the Catalog button in the sidebar. It is clickable and will take you to the main catalog list.

b. In the catalog list, you'll see the available units column which displays the available units of a product. Click on a product to open it up.


📑Information tab

In the first tab, the Information tab, you'll see the basic product information such as the product name, product identifier, and short title.


💳Price tab

a. In the second tab, the Price tab, you'll see the configuration for the price settings.

b. The default setting is to take the price of your seed marketplace.

c. If you're using a price rule, you need to select the global template.

d. If you want more control over your marketplaces, select the Universal Price option.


📸 Images tab

The third tab is the Images tab where you can store images of the product.


📝 Descriptions tab

The fourth tab is the Descriptions tab where you'll find the product descriptions that were imported from your seed marketplace.


📗Variations tab

The fifth tab is the Variations tab where you can see the variations of the product if any.


📚Inventory Status

The sixth tab is the Inventory Status tab where you can check the inventory status of the product once you have set up your storage provider, shipments, and purchase orders.


🪧Categories tab

The seventh tab is the Categories tab where you can see the categories that were imported.


📦Shipments tab

The last tab is the Shipments tab where you can view any shipments that you have created.


To learn more about how to access and navigate catalog or manage product information, watch this video 👇


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