User Settings

Learn how to access and update user settings

In this article, we'll show you how to access and update user settings in just a few simple steps. Whether you need to add team members, update billing information, or manage permissions, this tutorial will guide you through the process.


  1. To access user settings, go to the lower left corner of the screen where your organization's name is displayed and click on it.

  2. Under the organization selected, click on "Settings".

  3. In the first tab, "User Profile", you can upload a profile picture, input your name, email, update your phone and time zone for other members, and set password settings.

  4. In the "Users" tab, you can invite new team members by clicking the plus sign and entering their name and email.

  5. Once team members are added, you can manage their permissions.

  6. The "Organization Profile" tab allows you to upload your organization's logo and basic information, as well as add your tax ID for P&L reports.

  7. In the "Wallet" tab, you can update billing information and add credits for shipping labels.

  8. The "Subscription" tab displays information on your current plan and any applicable discounts.

  9. The "API Keys" tab allows you to create new keys.

  10. The "Ads Integration" tab allows you to integrate Amazon ads (follow the plan displayed).

  11. In the "Notification Settings" tab, you can subscribe to specific information and emails for your user account.


To learn more about how to connect efficiently manage your organization with user settings watch this video 👇


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