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  2. Storage Providers

Storage Providers: Creating a new storage provider

Learn more about how to manage your inventory on SKUPREME platform

In this article, we will guide you through how to manage your inventory on SKUPREME platform. If you're an FBA seller or a Shopify store owner, you'll find this guide helpful in managing your storage providers efficiently.


By following the step-by-step guide, you'll be able to manage your inventory on the SKUPREME platform efficiently, saving you time and resources.


  1. Go to the SKUPREME platform and navigate to the Supply Chain section.

  2. Look for the list of storage providers, which may have been imported from previous FBA shipments or from your Shopify locations.

  3. If you see a provider you use, you can start managing your inventory.

  4. To add a new storage provider, click on the "plus storage provider" button located in the top right corner.

  5. A popup will open where you need to input a few fields.

  6. Enter the storage provider name in the first field. For example, you can enter "Pasta Warehouse."

  7. Select the region where your marketplaces are already imported.

  8. Choose the storage provider type. There are two types:

    a. one that fulfills customer orders themselves and;

    b. the other that handles raw cartons and forwarding services.

  9. Select the appropriate type and submit it to create the storage provider.

  10. The platform will redirect you back to the storage provider detail section. Here, you can view the provider details and input all the necessary details such as any buffers and the contact name of your warehouse representative.

  11. After you configure the storage provider, you can start managing your inventory.


To learn more about how to manage your inventory on SKUPREME platform, watch this video 👇


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