Shipments: Pending shipment

Learn about pending shipment category

Once all your data is imported, you can view your orders in the sidebar. Hover over the sidebar and go under Orders to expand the options. You'll see five major categories, and the first is Pending Shipment.

  1. Pending Shipment contains all the merchant-fulfilled orders that are pending. This includes all Shopify orders from your account that need to be fulfilled.
    Note: Pending orders are to be assigned within Skupreme to the different Fulfillment Providers in your Supply Chain.

  2. The essential data shown in this section includes the Order ID, Order Age, and Marketplace. You can hover over Marketplace for more details.

  3. The Fulfillment Provider column is the most important, and it shows the fulfillment provider that has the availability to fulfill the items in the order.

  4. Click on any of the Order IDs to see more details, including the items and customer details.

    a. The Order ID will show the age of the Order, the Marketplace where it was Purchased from, and a suggestion for Fulfillment Provider, based on your fulfillment preferences which can be adjusted in the Order Settings found on the Sidebar Menu, the number of items in the order, and the total Price of Items in the order. Note that this value does not include Shipping, Taxes, or any other Fees. Just the amount your customer paid for the Items in the Order.

    b. From here you will be able to select particular orders that are waiting to be sent as Fulfillment Orders, as well you can check the checkmark box to select an order for fulfillment and checkmark multiple Orders, to enable the "Create Batch" function to Fulfill multiple orders at the same time from the same Storage Provider, more simply and faster.

  5. From here, you can start Fulfillment or create a label using the FulFill Order/Create Label button. This will show you the shipping rates from your carriers directly. Make sure to input all data, and select a service to create a label.

  6. To create a duplicate copy of the order, use the Create Copy button. Set a new ID to differentiate it from the original order. This will copy all Customer Information such as Name and Address. A convenient tool to create Quality Assurance replacements for your customers.

  7. You can also cancel fulfillment or submit a full refund using the corresponding buttons in the row.

  8. If you need more information about the shipping label flow or Ship Node, contact SKUPREME support for further assistance

Note: You can filter orders by Marketplace or Region and Search by SKU, UPC, Title, or ASIN.


To learn more about the Pending Shipment category, watch this video 👇



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