Seasonality and Lightning Deals

Seasonality and Lightning in SKUpreme predictions refer to two aspects of the forecasting system:

Seasonality and Lightning in SKUpreme predictions refer to two aspects of the forecasting system:

  1. Seasonality:

    • Meaning: Seasonality in predictions accounts for the natural variations in sales that occur based on seasons or specific times of the year.
    • How it works: SKUpreme's algorithm analyzes historical sales data to identify patterns that repeat during certain periods. For example, if you sell more products during the holiday season, the system recognizes this pattern and adjusts the predictions accordingly.
    • Input: The system pulls data from your sales history on Amazon to identify seasonal patterns automatically. No manual input is required for this feature.
  2. Lightning:

    • Meaning: Lightning refers to sudden spikes in sales that might not follow typical seasonal patterns. These spikes can be caused by various factors, such as promotions, external events, or trends.
    • How it works: SKUpreme's Lightning feature is designed to detect and factor in these sudden increases in sales, ensuring that the predictions reflect not only regular seasonality but also unexpected boosts in demand.
    • Input: Similar to seasonality, Lightning is automated and pulls data directly from your Amazon sales history. Manual input is generally not needed.

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In summary, both Seasonality and Lightning in SKUpreme predictions leverage historical sales data from Amazon to automatically adjust forecasts based on recurring patterns and unexpected spikes in demand. Manual input is not required for these features; the system autonomously learns from your sales history to make accurate predictions.