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  2. Managing Purchase Orders

Managing Purchase Orders in SKUPREME

The Purchase Orders module in SKUPREME is designed to facilitate comprehensive management of all purchase order activities, from creation to completion. This guide outlines the process of managing various stages of purchase orders within the system.

Overview of Purchase Order Statuses

The module categorizes purchase orders into several statuses to help you efficiently track and manage your procurement processes:

  • Pending Initial Payment: Purchase orders awaiting the first payment installment.
  • Open: Orders that have been initiated but not yet completed or processed.
  • Pending Final Payment: Orders that are nearing completion and require a final payment.
  • Completed: Orders that have been fully processed and closed out.

Navigating the Purchase Orders Module

  1. Viewing Purchase Orders: Access the module to see a list of purchase orders categorized by their current status.
  2. Tracking Allocations: For completed orders, click on the 'Completed' status to review the specific allocations for each order, providing insights into product distribution and delivery.

Adding a Purchase Order

To create a new purchase order:

  1. Click on the ‘Add a Purchase Order’ button within the module.
  2. Select the supplier and specify the contact person for sending the order.
  3. The system automatically populates supplier information, streamlining the order creation process.

Benefits of Purchase Order Management

  • Streamlined Procurement: Organize and expedite the procurement process by keeping all purchase orders in one manageable location.
  • Enhanced Tracking: Monitor the status of each order through its lifecycle from initial payment to final delivery.
  • Efficient Operations: Improve operational efficiency by managing supplier interactions and payments through a centralized module.

The Purchase Orders module in SKUPREME is an essential tool for managing the procurement process effectively. By utilizing this module, businesses can ensure that all aspects of purchase order management are handled efficiently, from initial creation to final payment and completion.