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Guide to Setting Up a Warehouse and Enabling Seller Shipping on TikTok

How to Create a Warehouse on TikTok and Enable Seller Shipping on TikTok. Seller Shipping must be enabled if the user wishes for SKUPREME to fulfill TikTok orders.

Setting Up a Warehouse on TikTok

  1. Log into TikTok: Start by logging into your TikTok account. Once logged in, navigate to the upper right corner of the home screen.
  2. Access Account Settings: Click on 'My Account' and then select 'Account Settings'.
  3. Go to Warehouse Settings: In the account settings, find and select the option for 'Warehouse Settings'.
  4. Create a New Warehouse:
    1. Click on the option to add a new warehouse.
    2. Enter the name of your warehouse in the provided field.
    3. Fill in the basic details of the warehouse, including the Full Loadable Foot (FLF) and the shipping regions it will serve.
    4. You can create a test warehouse for demonstration purposes by entering a sample name (like 'Test Warehouse') and an address.

  5. Save the Warehouse details: after entering all the required information make sure to save your changes.
  6. Set-Up for Pickup and Returns:
    1. Ensure that you also configure the warehouse settings for pickup and return processes.
    2. This involves specifying the address and details for where products should be picked up from and where returns should be sent.
  7. Finalize and Review: After completing these steps, review all the information to ensure it’s accurate.


Setting Up Your TikTok Shop Shipping Template

  1. Access the Shipping Template Settings: Repeat the first steps to log into TikTok and access the warehouse settings.
  2. Create or Modify Shipping Templates: In the warehouse settings, look for an option to create or modify your shipping templates. This will determine how products are shipped from your warehouse.
  3. Specify Shipping Details: Enter details about your shipping process, including rates, regions covered, and any special shipping instructions or options you offer.
  4. Save and Review: As with the warehouse settings, save all changes and review to ensure accuracy.


Setting Up Seller Shipping on TikTok Seller Center

Please note that buy default, TikTok fulfills all seller orders (FBT). If a user would like to fulfill TikTok orders via SKUPREME, then the user must first enroll in the seller shipping program. Seller Shipping must be selected.

Once a user updates the shipping preferences to Seller Shipping, any existing orders will remain with FBT (Fulfilled by TikTok). New orders will now have seller shipping.

***If a seller has selected TT Shipping as their Shipping method, TT will not share address with SKUPREME and the seller must print the label from TT itself. Only after opting out TT Shipping (FBT) will TT share the full address with SKUPREME.


Below are the TikTok shop official Seller Docs on the topic:


Warehouse setup: https://www.loom.com/share/df347338ffa3450faafd27f04a2d6b1c

Shipping template setup: https://www.loom.com/share/79e54969174546908d9eacfdcaba3b94