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  2. Account Setup
  3. Configuration of Skupreme Integration (Tactical)

Correct Configuration of Skupreme Integration (Tactical)

This guide outlines the steps to configure the Skupreme integration with Tactical Logistics correctly.

Tactical Logistics offers two key features for storage providers:

  1. Warehouse: This feature allows items to be stored without being shipped to customers.
  2. Fulfillable: This feature allows items to be stored and also shipped directly to customers.

To properly set up your Skupreme integration with Tactical, follow the steps below.

Step-by-Step Configuration:

Step 1: Access the Storage Provider Section

  1. Navigate to Supply Chain.
  2. Select Storage Provider.

Click on + Storage Provider to add a new storage provider.


Step 2: Configure Tactical Logistics

  1. In the Add Storage Provider screen, select Tactical Logistic from the available options.
  2. Enter the Email and Password associated with your Tactical account.
  3. Set Fulfillment Services to Tick to enable the fulfillable feature.

Click Create to finalize the configuration.

Step 3: Resolve Inventory Items Conflict

  1. After setting up the Tactical Logistics provider, review your inventory items.
  2. Identify any conflicts or discrepancies between the Tactical and Skupreme inventories.

By following these steps, you will ensure that your Skupreme integration with Tactical Logistics is correctly configured, and we can start pulling inventory from FBA to Skupreme


Avoiding Conflicts with Other Applications (MCF App for Example)


When using Skupreme to manage inventory and fulfill orders on platforms like Shopify and Amazon, conflicts can arise if other applications are also trying to perform these tasks. Common examples include the FBA Application, TikTok Application, or other extensions that may attempt to update inventory or fulfill orders simultaneously.

Potential Issues:

  1. Inventory Mismatch: If multiple applications are updating inventory independently, it can lead to discrepancies between the actual stock and what is displayed on your platforms.
  2. Order Duplication: If more than one application tries to fulfill an order, it could result in duplicate shipments, causing confusion and potential customer dissatisfaction.

Avoiding Conflicts:

To prevent these issues, it's crucial to ensure that no other applications on Shopify or Amazon are preinstalled or actively managing orders and inventory if Skupreme is handling these tasks.

Steps to Ensure Conflict-Free Operation:

  1. Review Installed Applications:
    • Go through your Shopify and Amazon accounts to check for any preinstalled or active applications that handle inventory management or order fulfillment.
  2. Disable or Uninstall Conflicting Applications:
    • If you find any such applications (e.g., FBA, TikTok), disable or uninstall them to avoid any potential conflicts.
  3. Verify Skupreme Configuration:
    • Ensure that Skupreme is correctly configured to manage all inventory updates and order fulfillments to prevent any overlaps with other applications.

By following these steps, you can avoid conflicts and ensure smooth and accurate inventory management and order fulfillment using Skupreme.