Conflicts: Resolving common conflicts

Learn about the specific and common conflicts encountered in Skupreme

Resolving Conflicts with SKUPREME Listing Mirror

Resolving Conflicts is crucial to getting all your listings visible in SKUPREME and ensuring Catalog accuracy with our Listing Mirror feature.


If you have conflicts in your Catalog, you'll see an Orange Banner next to the Catalog Module title. It's important to close these conflicts in order to keep SKUPREME updated with the latest products and any changes.


📢 Check out this article to know about the general guide on how to resolve conflicts. 


Missing UPC Code

UPC (Universal Product Code) is a unique 12 digit code that is unique to each product and is an accepted barcode format. When there is a conflict with the UPC code, this means a product has gone missing from the catalog. If this has happened, you'll need to re-add the product to the catalog.


🟢Missing UPC Code(s) for Shopify

Missing UPC Code(s) is the most common conflict you'll see in SKUPREME as some product information doesn't exist on specific marketplaces, mainly Shopify. If this conflict happens due to Shopify being your Seed Marketplace, you can type in a series of numbers for each product that has a conflict and hit resolve.



🟢Missing UPC Code(s) for Amazon

For other Marketplaces like Amazon, you have to go to Seller Central to find your Product's UPC Codes.

  • First, click Catalog, then Add Products in your Seller Central account.

  • Next, Copy and Paste your Product ASIN into the search field. From there you'll be able to see the Product EIN & Product UPC Numbers. Another method for finding your Product UPC is from the Amazon Details Page in Seller Central or contacting your Supplier for that information.

Note: If you don't have UPC codes, you can purchase them by visiting


🟢Duplicate SKUs

Duplicate SKUs conflict can happen when two or more products with the same SKU get imported into your catalog. The easiest way to resolve this conflict is to click on Merge Listings in the top right-hand corner of the Catalog Conflicts page where you'll see all duplicate listings and be prompted to merge them.


🟢Product Short Title(s)

While Product Short Title is not technically a conflict, it does create issues on other marketplaces like eBay since they have very specific character limits on the listings and will inevitably create an issue when your products are mirrored across multiple marketplaces.

Note: If you have a catalog that has 100's or thousands of Products, the fastest way to merge conflicts would be to use the Bulk Upload feature on the Catalog Conflicts page.



To learn more about resolving conflicts in your catalog and how to ensure your listings are visible and accurate in SKUPREME, watch this video 👇


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