Catalog: How to resolve catalog conflicts and bulk upload

Learn about UPC identification

If you're having trouble with missing items in your catalog, the SKUPREME platform has got you covered. UPC conflicts can be tricky to resolve, which is why in this article, we'll guide you on how to use the conflicts page to identify and resolve them. This is important for unique global identification of an item.

  1. After your catalog has been imported into SKUPREME, go to the conflicts page if you notice any missing items.

  2. Look for the red banner indicating conflicts, and click on it to go to the catalog conflicts page.

  3. The primary purpose of the conflicts page is to identify UPC conflicts. If the marketplace does not import a UPC, Skupreme flags it as a conflict.

  4. UPCs are crucial for unique global identification of an item, and SKUPREME needs it for other parts of the system, such as integrating with other marketplaces or handling the supply chain.

  5. To resolve UPC conflicts, enter the UPC codes in the fields and click resolve.

  6. To use bulk upload, click on the bulk upload button located next to the region selector.

  7. SKUPREME has a master spreadsheet to see your business in spreadsheet form. On the Google Sheets tab, look for the conflicts tab next to the README tab.

  8. Input the SKU and UPC codes just as you would in the UI, and it will be picked up in real-time.

  9. If the conflict disappears, confirm it, and the new UPC code will appear in the main catalog list on the left-hand side.

  10. You can use bulk upload to make multiple UPC value changes at once,

  11. Your catalog is now integrated and works seamlessly.


To learn more about UPC identification made easy, watch this video 👇


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