Bulk updating an attribute alias using the Sheet

Learn how to update an attribute alias using the sheet

In this article, we will guide you how to create new attributes using the sheet, modify columns, and refresh the UI to see the changes. Follow the steps below to update your attribute aliases and keep your product data up-to-date.

  1. To create new attributes using the sheet, go to the Catalog Sheet on the bottom left, and click on the Bulk Managed Data Sheet.

  2. Locate the item for which you want to create a new attribute.

  3. Note that the Alias column is used to create new attributes. You can rename the Alias to create a new attribute.

  4. Modify the other columns to fit the new attribute you are creating.

  5. After creating the new attribute in the sheet, go back to the UI and refresh the page to see the new attribute.

  6. Keep in mind that aliases are not destroyed, so renaming them creates a new attribute. If you rename an alias to match an existing one, it updates that attribute with the new values.


To learn more about how to update an attribute alias using the sheet, watch this video 👇


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